Autumn fruit ice cream


  • 2 large ripe persimmons OR

  • 4-5 ripe feijoas or 4-5 ripe kiwi fruit

    or 4-5 ripe tamarillos but wait until June to buy these, they are more of a winter fruit

  • 1/4 C milk (dairy, almond, or coconut, you can also use coconut cream)

  • Honey 1-2 Tbsp


The day or night before put your whole fruit in the freezer.

Remove and allow to thaw out just enough to peel the skin off. You could put them in a small hot water bath for 1 or 2 mins to speed this step up.

Cut into small chunks discarding any stems or larger pips. Place in your food processor or bullet with the milk/cream and honey. Start with just 1 Tbsp of honey, you can always add more if needed.

Process until smooth and creamy stopping to stir up the mixture every few pulses.

Serve immediately or for a slightly firmer consistency pop in the freezer for 15-20mins.

A beautiful healthy sorbet like ice cream for the cooler autumn and winter nights by the fire.

Yum! Sarah X