Choc peanut smoothie bowl


  • 1 frozen banana

  • 1/2 C plain yoghurt of your choice (I used Raglan Coconut Vanilla bean but any plain greek or vanilla yoghurt would be fine)

  • 1 good dash of milk of your choice

  • 1 heaped Tbsp raw cacao powder

  • 2 dates

  • Toppings: Few extra slices of banana, big heaped blob of peanut butter (use a natural one with no added preservatives etc, I used Pics), 1/4 C chopped almonds (or any nuts you have) , 1/4 C rolled oats



Place banana, yoghurt, milk, cacao and dates into your blender and blitz. Pour into a bowl and decorate with the toppings. Serves 1. Enjoy!

Yum! Sarah X