Creamy coconut peanut butter treats


  • 1 1/2 C Whitakers dark ghana chocolate

  • 1/4 C Pics smooth peanut butter

  • 1/4 C Raglan Vanilla Bean coconut yoghurt


Place 12 mini muffin cases in muffin trays, or 6 normal sized muffin cases. Combine the peanut butter and vanilla bean coconut yoghurt and whisk until smooth.

Melt chocolate in a pot on a medium heat, stirring frequently.

Pour a thin layer of melted chocolate into each of the muffin cases. Use a spoon to spread out the chocolate completely covering the base of each muffin case.

Add a dollop of the coconut peanut butter mix on top of the chocolate layer. The mixture is thick and sticky so use a spoon warmed up in boiling water to spread the mixture out. Evenly spread the remaining melted chocolate over each one, sealing in the creamy peanut butter centre.

Freeze for 10 mins and store in the fridge.

Yum! Sarah X