Run Stronger - Tools


Running shoes - All running shoes are not the same! Just because they look good, cost a lot, are a known brand or because a salesman says they’re good shoes, does not mean they are going to be the correct shoe for your foot. I suggest going in to a store that has equipment to analyse your run style to ensure you get correct shoe for you. I have experienced shin splints which were incredibly painful and frustrating because I bought the wrong kind of shoes (and they were expensive). Cost has nothing to do with it, you can still get a good middle of the road shoe that will work perfectly well, if it is correctly fitted.  See members deals for a 15% discount on shoes!


Bras - Strap down those boobies ladies! Invest in a good quality sports bra that will hold your boobs in tight against you, to reduce pain and bounce! There’s nothing worse than having your boobs bouncing around. I love Berlei bras, Farmers or Rebel Sport often have them on sale and they have ones that cross over at the back too which I find offers even more support. Like shoes, a good bra is something I would not scrimp on if you are planning on starting to run.

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Hi Vis - If you’re running on the road, wear a bright top! Or some bright Zeenya tights (see members deals for an exclusive Stronger You Members discount code). Be safe, be seen - wearing your Strong Woman singlet out running on a 100km road is not the best idea unless you have on a fluro pair of tights, hat and reflectors on too! If you’re going to start running, get some bright coloured gear or reflectors to strap to your ankles or wrists, so cars will see you! You want to get home safely!


Running apps - I have a Fitbit and love it, but running apps are also a great way to keep you on track. Set your pace, time or distance. They record all of your runs so you can look back on what you’ve achieved. Here are a couple that I recommend: 
Runtastic -  MapMyRun  - Nike Run

Run Stronger - Tips

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Running Buddy - Running can be even more fun with a friend. I have a friend that is actually a lot fitter than me, with a much longer stride than mine, so it is hard to run together. However we make plans to meet up at a certain corner, high five each other so we know we’ll both go (accountability), have a wee chat and then carry on again. We talk about our runs, tell each other when we’re going running, which motivates and inspires each other too! So whether you run with them, or just meet up & talk about running, it’s always nice having a running buddy!

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Pace Yourself - I have done this myself... got so excited about starting to run, started feeling awesome after my runs and then wanted to run every day. However very quickly I ended up with sore knees, shin splints one time, or very sore tight muscles, due to not allowing my body to recover between runs by having adequate rest days. Although when you’re on a fitness mission it can be hard to not run, especially when you love it, don’t run too much too soon when you’re first starting out! Having a running injury is so frustrating and easily avoided if you listen to your body and let it rest when it needs it.

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Foam Rolling/Stretching - Stretching your legs before and after a run is super important, stretching keeps muscles flexible, so that muscles and tendons are at their fullest range of motion. Rolling out your muscles is also super important to prevent injury, the more you run the tighter your hip flexors, glutes, quads and hamstrings (as examples) can get, which can lead to injuries. Have a look in the members deals area, I love my Obie foam roller (see members deals for an exclusive Stronger You Members discount code), I’ve used it for years and years, a foam roller is an investment and you’ll have it forever if you buy a good one! Click here for diagrams & instructions on how to stretch and massage out your muscles using your foam roller.