Blueberries, nutrition facts & a healthy snack recipe

Blueberries! One of nature’s SUPERFOODS!

Delicious, sweet and incredibly good for you.

Blueberries are a proven super food. Many studies have been conducted to prove this so we’ve summarised the most important health benefits you need to know. Plus a delicious easy snack you can whip up in minutes.

  • Low in calories but high in fibre, vitamin C and vitamin K

  • Packed full of antioxidants which protect our bodies

  • Reduce DNA damage which causes aging and diseases like cancer

  • Improve brain function and help prevent mental decline

  • Eating blueberries regularly is also linked to lower blood pressure in many studies

For a quick sweet treat microwave ¼ C of frozen blueberries in a small bowl until warmed through. Add ¼ cup of thick unsweetened greek yoghurt, 1 Tbsp of chopped almonds and 1 Tbsp chia seeds (or whatever nuts and seeds you have on hand), stir and enjoy!

Some say ‘Food is medicine', when it comes to blueberries we agree! Make sure you put a bag of frozen blueberries in your trolley next time you're at the supermarket. They’re also coming into season, do you have a local berry farm near you that you could pick your own? Such a great thing to do with the kids! Sarah X

Sarah Martelli