Navigating the festive season

Late nights, extra nibbles, pre dinner drinks, the festive season is upon us ladies!

You don’t need to panic about end of year social gatherings, here at Strong Woman we are all about life balance.

This time of year doesn’t need to be the start of a blow out, feelings of failure and low self confidence. Use our top tips as your festive survival guide.

Make sure your first meal of the day is a healthy one - protein, complex carbohydrates, fruit and or vegetables.

Keep hydrated! Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it takes water from your body. On the day of and day after a social function up your water intake to combat this, it will help with your heavy head in the morning.

Be a smart snacker - eat a nutritious snack mid afternoon so you don’t arrive at social events hangry! This will help you enjoy a few canapes without over indulging.

Make healthy choices at the buffet table - half fill your plate with salad and top up the rest with meat and protein based canape’s and dishes. Move away from the food once you've had enough and focus on enjoying everyone's company instead.

Prevent a hangover - by selecting a drink that is light in colour and has ingredients that are real. The supermarket and liquor store have so many low sugar options these days, choose wisely.

Get right back on track after a big night out - don’t beat yourself up, life balance is the importance here. Enjoy that night out and then get back on the healthy horse! If you need those greasy bacon & eggs the next morning, then do it, but after that get back into nourishing your body with plenty of plant based foods, healthy protein and lots of water!

Keep this survival guide at the front of your mind as you enjoy catching up with everyone this silly season. Enjoy those nights out, remember our 80/20 approach, but also remember after you indulge to get back on that healthy horse! You got this!

Sarah xx

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Sarah Martelli