Building sustainable nutrition habits

Hi ladies,

You’ve heard us talking about setting goals, and making those goals specific, measurable, attainable etc. What happens once we’ve done all that? When we’ve set the ultimate goal? For some people, not much. That’s because a goal is not achieved through a mere act of setting it.

How is it achieved? By creating achievable and sustainable, daily habits. Small steps every day, will add up to big ones. So:

1. Practice daily to build habits.⁣⠀⁠⠀⁠

2. Build habits to achieve goals.⁣

So even if your new daily habit is small, eg drinking an extra glass of water a day, even a small step in the right direction will help you achieve your ultimate goal. With Strong Woman, we’re in it for the long haul. No quick fixes, no yo yo-ing. There is no point setting a huge goal and going all in, for it not to be sustainable and then ending up going all-out. That all or nothing mentality has to change.

So, next time you’re thinking about setting a health & wellness goal, don’t worry about it being BIG. Instead, focus on it being something that you can practice every day. Something that is small, and achievable. Eg adding more colourful vegetables to your plate at every dinner time, or maybe reaching for a piece of fruit after tea instead of chocolate.

For it is all of those small habits that you can practice daily, that in the end add up to bigger goals being achieved. You got this!!

Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli