Water - why it's so important to keep hydrated

You’ve heard us say “Drink more water” a million times before, but why is it important to stay hydrated?

Here are a few reminders, to keep you reaching for that water bottle ladies!

  • Water is critical for digestion. It prevents constipation and keeps the bowels moving by helping to process soluble fiber and fat.

  • Staying hydrated also helps to eliminate toxins from the body, which can damage the gut by causing inflammation and irritation.

  • Drinking more water can also aid with weight loss - quite often we reach for food when we’re actually not hungry, we are thirsty. Keeping up with our water helps us to feel full.

  • Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature. So basically, all of these functions don’t perform well, if they aren’t getting enough water.

  • Water can also prevent head aches and fatigue. Quite often when we feel tired, grouchy and irritable, or feel a head ache coming on, it’s because we haven’t drunk enough water.

These are the main things that come to mind, when I think of why we should keep up with our water intake. I’m sure there are others. So ladies, IT IS SO IMPORTANT to keep up with that standard 8 glasses or around 2 litres of water a day. More if you are exercising or if it’s really hot and you’re sweating more (eg in the hot Summer months). So now that you’ve read this, go and have a large glass of water! Your body will thank you for it.

Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli