Covid - coping with the stress and anxiety

Hi ladies,

Sending strength and love to those riding the covid wave this week. Also to everyone feeling extra anxiety and stress around covid. You may not have it yet, but the stress of thinking about it all the time has got you in a spin! Here is my advice: Create a 'nourishment menu' - what are some things you can do to calm you that AREN’T food related (hello emotional eating, we want to avoid that!)

Here are a few things that help me through the day when I’m stressed or my brain runs wild:

  • Taking micro breaks - 5 minute intentional breaks away from your work/desk/chores/stresses where you take some deep breaths, maybe walk around the garden, get out on your balcony and do a few squats, walk up the road and back, whatever. Something that makes you move, distracts you, and isn't food related (don't walk to the kitchen if you're at home).

  • Pat a pet - My dog Ollie has been my life saver lately. Animals truly are therapy, so pat your cat, throw the ball for your dog, take the dog outside to play etc. It distracts you, makes you smile and provides love and comfort.

  • Boil the jug and make yourself a nice herbal tea (try and ditch that extra coffee/s). While you're waiting for the jug to boil, drink a glass of water too. Often when we're stressed/busy we forget to drink WATER.

  • Journal / doodle / write notes - this has been helping a lot of you lately. I know many think journaling is 'airy fairy', but it does work for many and can be very therapeutic! Again, it's meant to distract you from those stresses and calm you down.

If you do have covid in your house, BE KIND TO YOURSELF. You may be caring for sick kids, or you yourself may be sick. REST REST REST. Listen to your body, and do what you need to do to get through this. Lots of fluids, good nutritious food (if you feel like eating), and as much rest as possible.

Once you’ve recovered from covid, the medical advice is no exercise for 2 weeks. Raising your blood pressure too fast too soon after covid, or ‘pushing through’ when you feel tired, can be a trigger for long covid. Nobody wants that! It’s not an easy time at the moment, look after yourself and your friends & family. Take those breaks away from it all when you need to, and hang in there. Always up for a chat if anyone needs it!


Sarah Martelli