Eat the rainbow - keeping it simple with wraps for tea

Keeping healthy eating simple! WRAPS!

Let’s keep it real ladies, I know we don’t all have time to cook from a recipe every night and a lot of us have fussy kids that even when we do cook a lovely meal, say YUCK and won’t eat it. Oh my god!

This is a simple idea to get good nutrient dense food out on the table, in a short amount of time, and let the family make their own. Chop up lots of salad ingredients, boil some eggs and chop them in half, grate some cheese and carrot (the kids could help you with that). Chop up tomatoes, onions, maybe a cucumber, whatever you have.

Buy a pack of wraps and a pack of chicken breasts. Chop up the chicken into 2cm pieces and cook it in a pan, with a wee bit of oil and a few herbs or spices if you have them. Or you could make Mexican wraps or tacos, and buy the pre done kits with the wraps / salsa etc in them.

A quick, easy dinner idea that you can pull together in about 20 minutes, no recipe or much thinking needed. Wraps are a winner in our house, I keep ‘wrap night’ for a busy night when we get home late, or if I’ve been working all day and really can’t be bothered cooking dinner! It’s a far healthier option than a takeaway, but just as yum and quick. Also a great ‘eat the rainbow’ dinner option for anyone with a fussy child like me, as they can pick their own and making it is fun. They’re also more likely to try a new vege if it’s out in front of them and everyone else is having some. Winning!

Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli