Working from home snacks ideas

Hi ladies,

If you sit at a desk a lot, maybe you work from home like me or you’re sitting in an office for your job, having healthy snacks to eat while you work is key. Ladies who work from home like me, I know it’s tempting to take a break from your desk BUT before you know it, you find yourself staring into your pantry or fridge for a snack. Firstly ask yourself, are you hungry? Maybe you’re just in need of a stretch, bored, wanting to escape your stressful work, whatever. Do you need to eat? Maybe you’re thirsty, so take that water bottle with you and fill that up and take a big drink. If you are hungry (look at the time - think, when did I last eat? Is it time for a snack?) , here are some healthy snack ideas for while you work, instead of reaching for the bag of chippies or chocolate:

  • Roasted almonds - I put a handful in a wee bowl and take the bowl back to my desk to reach for.

  • Chop up a carrott and put a blob of hummus on the plate - don’t take the entire hummus pot to your desk with you to dunk, you’ll end up over eating

  • Punnet of fresh blueberries or a handful of grapes

  • Chop up an apple and add a smear of peanut butter - this good fat will help to keep you full and feel satisfied

  • Make a smoothie if you have time

  • Popcorn - good if you are a savoury PICKER. Use this as a healthier swap from chippies to popcorn if that is you. It’s not really providing a huge amount of nutrition, but it’s a much better option that demolishing a bag of chips.

  • Sweet snack - instead of going for the sugar, you could make yourself a sweet herbal tea to sip on at your desk. There are lots of nice herbal teas now, look for ones with naturally sweet ingredients eg peach, apple etc, and no added sugars

  • You could make up a slice from the recipes section on a Sunday, and chop it up small and hide it in the freezer so you’ve got one piece a day for through the week. The Weetbix Slice is yummy and freezes really well, and will curb those sweet cravings. Better choice than chocolate.

If you are after a brain break but know you aren’t hungry, then fill up your water bottle and get outside for a walk around your garden. Fill up your lungs with air, look at nature for a bit and then go back to your desk. We do tend to go via the kitchen often when working from home, so it’s super important that you really think about whether you need to eat or not. You can do it! Message me any time if you’re after more help around this. I hope you found this helpful. Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli