Emotional eating and thinking about your triggers

Hey ladies,

Emotional eating - we all take part in this at times. Part of my role as a health coach when ladies say to me “I’m an emotional eater” is diving deeper into the BEHAVIOUR around the eating. WHY are you emotionally eating. What are your triggers?

Is it stress? Are you tired? Do you have too much on your plate, constantly feeling like you’re rushing with not enough hours in the day? Are you bored?

I would say to you all to THINK about WHY you’re reaching for that chocolate, and then work on implementing changes to your lifestyle if needed. Eg if you’re a ‘rushing woman’, look at de-stressing your life a bit if you can. If being tired makes you reach for the sugar, can you turn the TV off an hour earlier and try to catch some more zzzz’s. It all has a flow on effect for how the following day is going to go.

For many, this is not an overnight fix and it can take a lot of work to get on track with years of emotional eating, so be kind to yourself here. If you need more support around this, if you think it’s too tough to go it alone, please reach out to me for some help.

Here are some non food comfort ideas to try instead, the next time you’re stressed/tired/bored etc:

  • Sit on the couch with a nice cuppa, maybe a sweet tea if you’re after a sweet fix

  • Get some fresh air, walk to the mail box and back, be present, listen to the birds, feel the fresh breeze on your face

  • In the evenings if you know you’re going to want something sweet, get up off the couch and walk to the bathroom & brush your teeth. I’m sure by the time you get back to the couch, the feeling would have passed.

  • Find a comfy chair and call a friend or family member for a chat

  • Soak in a bath with essential oils

  • Embrace in a hug with someone you love

  • PLAN ahead for those trigger times - have some healthier snacks on hand instead of the sugary/packet snacks.

  • If you know you’re going to eat it, then don’t buy it. Eg condensed milk in the cupboard - if you know you’re going to rip that can open at dig in your spoon, just don’t buy it in the first place. Out of sight, out of mind. You can do it!

  • Instead of going cold turkey, buy dark chocolate instead in the groceries. 2 pieces of dark choc might be enough to curb those cravings!

You will be surprised to find that once you’ve given your brain some comfort the need to emotionally eat will have passed. Make yourself a new healthier habit for the next time those feelings arise. You can do it!

Sarah x

Sarah Martelli