Be kind to yourself - BALANCE is the key

Hi ladies,

I had a Strong Woman member say to me this morning “I know I’m not allowed to drink with my friends, so I’ll just be drinking soda water instead”. She was referring to her new health and weight loss journey, basically that in the past on other “diets” she wasn’t able to drink because of the calories in wine.

PLEASE remember at Strong Woman we’re all about BALANCE - The 80/20 rule is key to keeping your new health journey sustainable long term.

You can still enjoy wines with friends and dancing, pizza night on a Friday with the kids and going out for dinner and enjoying that desert. Because MOST of the time you’ll be aiming to nourish your body with whole fresh foods, lean meats, veges, fruit, nuts & seeds, and drinking water. So when those times arise, when you’re away with girlfriends for the weekend and the only food on offer is takeaways. Or when you’re at a concert and you’re eating hot chips and drinking beers from a plastic cup. Or you’re lying on the beach and you really want a mint trumpet ice cream from the shop. IT’S OK!

I went away for the weekend last weekend. I drank on Friday and Saturday night. We had pizza for dinner one night and the next night we were at the pub, so it was a burger. If I’m honest, I came home literally craving a salad hahaha I couldn’t wait to get back into eating my “normal” healthier foods. But I didn’t deny myself those treats, and I certainly didn’t feel guilty for having fun with my friends and eating those foods. I made the best choices I could, when I could - eg drinking water and healthier snacks throughout the day.

So in summing up this ramble….. 80% of the time you’re on track, allowing for 20% when you have the odd treats here and there (these percentages might vary slightly depending on what your goals are).

LIFE BALANCE MY FRIENDS - If you cut all of the treats out of your life, it is not sustainable long term, and it’s also BORING! Life is for living. Any questions around this post, I’m always here to message.

Sarah x

Sarah Martelli