It's all about consistency!

Hi ladies,

So we’re now into 2022. We’ve all been hearing it…. ‘New year, new me’….. how about ‘New year, more consistent me’. You don’t need to change yourself. But perhaps you need to change how you are going to get results this year. The saying “Nothing changes if nothing changes” rings so true!

The number one thing that gets results with your health, long term? Consistency. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but it’s honestly the best thing for results.

Motivation comes and goes. We’ll be super pumped one minute and then a few months down the track our motivation wanes and then what happens? You fall off the wagon, feel bad about how you failed, wait a while until you feel motivated again and then do the entire thing all over again. Who can relate?

If your plan for 2022 to ‘get healthier’ is based on cutting out the foods that you love, exercising like a demon and drinking a tonne of water, I want you to stop and think. How long is that going to last? Is it sustainable long term? I’m pretty sure the answer is NO.

But can you be CONSISTENT in your eating and exercise. Not cutting out entire food groups or restricting yourself, but eating a balanced diet of whole, nourishing foods MOST of the time, while still enjoying some treats too. Exercising 3 - 4 times a week consistently, because you know that even when life gets tough, this is achievable. And aiming to drink 2L of water every day, instead of going from a few glasses up to 3 litres a day, living on the loo and then not being able to keep it up. I think you get my point here. Focusing on how you FEEL is also key. We all FEEL our best when we are eating and exercising for for self care, and doing what we enjoy. Let’s not forget nourishing our minds too.

Consistent healthy habits and small changes every day add up to big changes! You got this ladies!

Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli