Fueling our mind as well as your tummy!

At Strong Woman we are always talking about eating the rainbow, fuelling our bodies with nutritious food and eating more vegetables. Why? Because it's super important! These healthy habits are what we’re constantly striving for. But...

We also need to remember to feed our minds healthy stuff as well. Keep this in mind.

Your thoughts become your words.

Your words become your actions.

Your actions become your habits.

  • While planning your next meal think about the foods that make you feel amazing soon after eating them. Instead of “I’m tired, I need a pick me up.”

  • Enjoy the odd treat at special occasions because you fuel your body with nutritious food most of the time and you ate a healthy snack before arriving so you’re not starving. Instead of “I won’t eat anything at the party.”

  • Find peace and relaxation with non-food comforts instead of chocolate and wine. Look forward to that moment of peace on the couch with a warm blanket, your book, Netflix and a cuppa. Instead of “I need chocolate!”

  • Plan your dinners - write them on the fridge, keep it simple and have the 3 meals of meat in your fridge de-thawing ahead of time. Instead of “I just don’t have time, takeaways again.”

  • Check who you are following on social media, are they real? Do they make you feel good? Instead of “I wish I looked like that,” (you’re probably looking at someone who is posing and has a filter on them, not real ladies!).

Fill your head with words that build positive thoughts and create healthy habits. Fueling our minds the right way, is just important as the food we eat.

I can, I will, I am!

Sarah xx

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So ladies, if you have a sweet tooth, the next time you’re at the supermarket, think twice about even putting that chocolate into the trolley. If you know you’ll “end up giving in”, just don’t buy it in the first place. Instead, if you want a sweet treat, swap it out for a healthier choice eg a darker chocolate, or bake a home made slice instead.

I hope you have found this helpful. Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli