Traffic light system - making healthy behaviours convenient

When it comes to healthy eating, here’s the golden rule:⁣⁠

1. Make healthy behaviors convenient.⁣⁠

2. Make other behaviors less convenient.⁣⁠


For example, if there's a food you don't want to eat, avoid keeping it around (or at least make it hard to get). So if you have a sweet tooth, and you know you’re going to hunt out that block of chocolate after the kids have gone to bed, DON’T BUY IT. If it’s not convenient for you to eat the chocolate, you won’t be able to. Instead, have fresh, healthy whole foods prepared and in plain sight. Eg a punnet of fresh strawberries in the fridge - just as delicious, sweet, and waaayyyyy better for your body than the chocolate that has no nutritional value at all.

⁣Wondering which foods you should keep handy, and which to consider reducing? This traffic light graphic may help you. Top tip - I’d encourage you to create your own “traffic light” system. Have a fridge / pantry over haul, throw out the foods that aren’t helping you to achieve your goals. Be mindful of what you put in the trolley the next time you do your groceries. You can do it!

The next time you go to eat something…. where does it sit on the traffic light scale? Be aware of your TRIGGERS, and the BEHAVIOUR around why you are reaching for the “red” foods.

I hope you find this helpful. Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli