Is muscle heavier than fat?

Hi ladies,

Here is one for ladies on a weight loss journey. Something to note and think about….

Is muscle heavier than fat? Have you heard the saying "Muscle is heavier than fat, that's why the scales aren't moving". Actually, this is not true. How can something of the SAME weight weigh less (if you're weighing the same amount of muscle and fat)?

Eg Two things that weigh the same can be very different in size. A kilo of marshmallows is going to take up much more space than a kilo of steel.

So muscle is not heavier than fat... muscle is much DENSER than fat, which means muscle occupies less space (volume) in the body compared to fat. Muscle has a leaner appearance due to its high density, whereas fat occupies more space (volume) in the body.

This is why the scales are SOMETIMES a good measure of weight loss, and other times NOT AT ALL and a tape measure/clothes feeling looser etc is a far more accurate tell. Your scales may not move (or sometimes even go up, due to time of the month etc) however your SHAPE is still changing as you get fitter and build more muscle.

Sarah x

Muscle vs Fat pic.jpg
Sarah Martelli