Will power - help yourself out!

WILL POWER - I’ve heard this so many times…. “I just don’t have enough will power”. The reality is “will power” will only get you so far, before you feel like you’ve failed. But you don’t need to set yourself up to fail. Because if unhealthy food is near you and conveniently available, you’ll probably eventually eat it.

But here’s the good news—by making positive changes to your environment, you can positively influence your eating habits. No white-knuckled willpower needed.

So, here are my top tips to not relying solely on will power:

1. Go through your pantry, cabinets, and fridge, and reduce or eliminate foods that don't support your goals. (Or make those foods inconvenient—like in a hiding place that someone else chooses.)

2. Take a trip to the supermarket and get foods that do support your goals. Make those foods readily available and easy to prepare and eat.

3. Tidy up the kitchen, get rid of unused/extra stuff, and put the most useful kitchen tools within arm’s reach, so it’s a nice place to cook and eat peacefully.

4. Have a conversation with other household members (if there are any) about what can help make this work. Having their support where possible will make it easier for you to change your habits.

We won’t pretend this is the easiest thing in the world, but it’s certainly easier (and more effective) than relying on willpower alone.

You’d be amazed at how much more progress you can make by simply practicing this habit.


So ladies, if you have a sweet tooth, the next time you’re at the supermarket, think twice about even putting that chocolate into the trolley. If you know you’ll “end up giving in”, just don’t buy it in the first place. Instead, if you want a sweet treat, swap it out for a healthier choice eg a darker chocolate, or bake a home made slice instead.

I hope you have found this helpful. Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli