Muesli - which ones to avoid

Hi ladies,

Choosing a healthy muesli can be tricky.

Food manufacturers are clever, they make the front of the box look healthy. Showing us oats, fruit, seeds etc on the front, so we assume it’s full of goodness. Yes, I’m sure some of them are OK and do have lots of nuts, seeds etc in them. But guess what else is lurking in a lot of them…. SUGAR. And waaayyyyyy too much of it.

Sugar spikes our blood sugar levels. When you eat sugar, your body releases insulin, a hormone from your pancreas. The insulin's job is to absorb the excess glucose in the blood and stabilize sugar levels.

Once the insulin does its job, your blood sugar drops again. Which means you've just experienced a sugar rush, and then a drastic drop, leaving you feeling drained. So then what do we do?? We search for more sugar. Excess sugar consumption leads to weight gain, headaches, mood swings, the list goes on.

SO…. Choose a muesli or a breakfast cereal that isn’t full of added sugar. It’s your first meal of the day, probably the most important. It’s setting you up to either feel full, give you energy and feel awesome, OR give you a sugar hit than then leaves you wanting even more sugar afterwards. I know which one I would rather have.

Top Tips:

Read the ingredients list. Choose a muesli that only has natural ingredients in it eg nuts, seeds, oats, honey, fruit (yes there is natural sugar in some of these ingredients, but remember they also have nutrients for your body. White / added sugar is only sugar, with no nutritional value for your body).

If you see SUGAR in the first few ingredients, it is probably added white sugar. Put it back on the shelf.

If you see long words in the ingredients list, and you don’t know what they are, put it back on the shelf.

If you have time, make your own. Atleast you know what is going into it!

I hope this helps. This photo is of the Healthier Toasted Muesli Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli