Nailing your weekly dinner routine

Dinner time can be stressful for many of us. Decisions, ingredients, time. When you’re hungry and under pressure, unhealthy dinners can start to creep into your every day life. Try out our ‘Fridge Meal Planner’ concept and your dinner time will become super easy and packed full of stress less nutritious dinners.

  • On a Sunday get on our website or get your recipe books out and pick 4-5 nutritious dinners for the week ahead. This doesn’t need to be fancy just write it on a piece of paper and put it on your fridge. Save the recipes to the home page of your phone or write the recipe book name and page number on your meal planner.

  • Allocate which day you will have each meal and consider the following:

    Some week nights you may have to leave the house late afternoon with dinner prepared for kids and hubby. Choose a meal easy to prepare ahead of time. On days when you arrive home late plan a crock pot meal and add a note to your fridge meal planner reminding you it will need to be prepared in the morning. Set your alarm 20mins earlier so it doesn’t upset the morning vibes. Does your oven have an automatic cooking timer? You can arrive home to a house smelling of a Sunday roast mid week, perfect! Steam some veg or make a salad and you’ll be done 30mins after walking in the door.

  • Write down any ingredients you may need to purchase for the up and coming meals. Try organising your grocery shopping list into the following headings; pantry items, fridge and freezer items, fresh produce, personal and cleaning items. Save your list to your phone then you won’t forget to take it to town.

  • Get all of your meat out of the freezer on Sunday and store it in containers in your fridge. Then there’s no excuse for forgetting to get the meat out in the morning. Remember failing to plan is planning to fail. 10mins spent creating this Fridge Meal Planner on a Sunday will become a life saver!

Remember ladies, failing to plan is planning to fail. Avoid those takeaway dinners (keep them for a “sometimes treat only”) throughout the week, and nail your family’s dinners. Get stuck in to the recipes in the members site, there are so many to choose from now. You got this!! Sarah X

Sarah Martelli