Positive affirmations

“We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think.” Buddha

Affirmations are the words we say to ourselves. The talking that is just you in your head, no you’re not crazy, everyone does this.

Our affirmations shape our outlook on life, and our confidence. It can be easy to fall into a trap of negative self talk. This can result in low confidence and self esteem.

“If I was a few kilos lighter I’d look better in this dress.” Sound familiar? It’s time to turn this self talk upside down!

The next time you find yourself thinking negatively about your body, diet, fitness or general wellness try these positive affirmations instead.

  • I exercise my body because it deserves to be taken care of.

  • I choose to exercise because I am grateful for the ability to do so.

  • I am not my waist or my waistline, I am a perfectly unique person, a mum, a wife, a sister, a friend.

  • I forgive myself for neglecting my body at times, this is normal and I will start again tomorrow.

  • I drink water throughout the day to hydrate my body and mind.

  • I choose health and wellness over restrictive diets.

  • I feel great when I take care of myself.

  • Hello kitchen, what nourishment can I make in here today.

  • My body and mind feel great because I exercise routinely.

  • I make time to take care of my self so I stay healthy and strong.

  • Each time I exercise I feel my body growing stronger.

  • My taste buds are changing every day, I no longer crave foods that don’t nourish me.

  • As the saying goes, you are what you eat, but you also become what you think.

You are strong, your journey inspires others and we are lucky to have you in our Strong Woman Community. Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli