Choco nutty bliss balls


  • 1 C almond meal

  • 1/4 C raw cacao powder

  • Juice from 1 orange, squeezed

  • 1/2 C walnuts

  • 2 Tbsp desiccated coconut

  • 1 Tbsp melted coconut oil

  • 1 Tbsp honey

  • 8 dates

  • 1 tsp cinnamon



Soak dates in warm water for 5 mins to soften. Place all ingredients (tip the water off the dates) into a food processor and blitz. Roll mixture into balls (not too big, they’re quite rich). The mixture might be a bit sticky but they’ll set and firm up once in the fridge (dampen your hands if you need to, they’ll be easier to roll). Place on a plate, set for 30 mins. Keep in a container in the fridge. Makes approx 12 balls. Easy peasy!

Yum! Sarah X