Chocolate chia seed pudding


  • 1/2 C chia seeds

  • 1/4 C raw cacao powder

  • 1/4 C pure maple syrup

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt

  • 1 C almond milk

  • 1/2 C plain yoghurt (or greek)

  • To serve—anything you’d like to add on top eg another blob of yoghurt, nuts, berries.


Into a bowl, sift raw cacao powder (you don’t want any lumps), then add maple syrup, vanilla & salt. Whisk to combine. The mixture will seem dry at first but then will come together to make a thick, fudgy like sauce. Add a few splashes of milk, keep mixing, then add the rest of the milk, yoghurt & chia. Cover and put into the fridge over night (or for atleast 4 hours). Once set, stir the pudding once more. Divide into bowls, add toppings and serve. A delicious desert! Serves 3-4.

Yum! Sarah X