Better potato salad


  • 1.5kg potatoes (I used Perla’s)

  • 6 rashes bacon, diced

  • 1/2 red onion, diced finely

  • 3/4 C greek yoghurt (I used Raglan Coconut yoghurt)

  • 1 large Tbsp mayonnaise (I used Best Foods mayo)

  • 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard

  • 1 tsp garlic (crushed)

  • 1/4 C finely chopped fresh chives

  • Good crack salt & pepper


Wash potatoes if needed. Chop up the potatoes into desired size, leaving the skin on. In a pot, boil the potatoes until cooked but still firm (don’t over cook them or they’ll break apart in the salad). Set aside to cool down. In a pan cook the diced bacon, set aside. In a bowl mix together the dressing ingredients—Greek yoghurt, mayonnaise, mustard, garlic, chives, give it a good stir and then add in salt & pepper to taste. In a large bowl add potatoes, red onion & bacon. Stir through dressing. Sprinkle some chives on top to garnish. Keeps well in the fridge if you want to make it earlier in the day before heading out to a bbq later on! Serves 8 as a side.

Yum! Sarah X

DinnerSarah Martelli