Choc covered strawberries


  • Approx 12—15 strawberries, depending on size

  • 1/2 big block 72% Whittakers dark ghana chocolate

  • 1 Tbsp coconut oil


Break up the chocolate into pieces, add to a bowl along with the coconut oil. Melt in a double boiler or microwave, stirring so it doesn’t burn. Wash the strawberries and dry them with a paper towel. Have a plate ready, lined with baking paper to place the dipped strawberries onto. Dip them into the chocolate mix and place on the plate. Pop into the fridge to set. Later peel them off the paper and place onto a serving platter. Nice to take to a bbq for a healthier, lighter desert but still very yummy!

Yum! Sarah X

Sarah Martelli