Kumara, bacon, walnut and orange salad


  • 1 medium red kumara cut into 2-3cm chunks (leave the skin on)

  • Four rashers streaky bacon diced

  • 1-2 tsp runny honey

  • 2 good handfuls rocket leaves (or whatever mixed greens you have)

  • 2 oranges, skin removed and chopped up into pieces

  • 1/2 C walnuts chopped

Dressing Ingredients

  • 1 tsp wholegrain mustard

  • 1 tsp liquid honey

  • Half a lemon, juiced

  • 1 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil


Preheat oven to 200degC. Toss chopped kumara with honey and a drizzle of olive oil, in a roasting tray lined with baking paper. Season with salt and pepper, roast for 30 minutes or until cooked and caramelised. In a frying pan, fry off the bacon until crispy. In a separate bowl, mix all dressing ingredients together, add salt & pepper to taste.

To serve, toss roast kumara with rocket, orange, bacon and walnuts. Add the dressing just before you serve (if you pre make the salad ahead of time, mix the dressing but keep it seperate until you’re about to eat).

TOP TIP: This salad is great for lunches, so you could roast an extra kumara to make it go a bit further and make your lunch for the next few days too. Just keep the dressing separate and add it before you eat. YUM!

Sarah Xx

Dinner, LunchSarah Martelli