Creative with Cauliflower

Cauliflower is an unsung hero! It has so many uses and is the perfect vegetable if you’re wanting to switch to a low carb diet, simply replace rice and potato with cauli.

Carbs to... Cauliflower

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Cauliflower rice - Place chunks of cauliflower in a food processor, pulse until broken down into rice size pieces. Heat olive oil in a pan, add cauliflower ‘rice’, salt & pepper. Cook until heated through, maybe 2 or 3 mins. Remove & fluff ‘rice’ with a fork.



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Cauliflower puree / mash - Cut 1 head of cauliflower. Cover with water (or stock) in a pot and bring to the boil. Once cooked, transfer cauliflower with 2 TBSP of stock into a blender. Add salt & pepper, dash of olive oil or butter. Blitz until smooth. (Flavour to your taste, you could add garlic or lemon zest/juice is nice too)

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Roast cauliflower - Preheat oven to 200 C. Cut 1 head cauliflower into florets; toss on a large rimmed baking sheet with 3 tablespoons olive oil; season with salt and pepper. Roast, tossing occasionally, until almost tender, 35-40 minutes. Add your choice of herbs or spices, ground cumin is great, or fresh herbs like thyme.