Cooking with kids

Mama’s of young children!

Give your kids the life long skill of cooking and help them develop positive food habits, by letting them help you in the kitchen.

Here are our golden rules to get kids of any age involved in the kitchen. 

  • Choose your time wisely - pick occasions when you can be relaxed and take your time, patience is required! 

  • Involve them in meal planning, shopping and growing - let them pick and help prepare a family meal, plant some winter veges with them. Spinach, kale, silver beet and edible flowers like pansies all grow at this time of the year. 

  • Toddlers can - Wipe down benches, wash fruit and veges, break up lettuce/spinach and break broccoli and cauliflower into florets, mix and pour. 

  • Pre-schoolers can - kneed and shape dough, spread soft spreads onto bread/toast, mash banana or avocado, cut parsley and spring onions with scissors, use a whisk, set the table, use tongs to serve. 

  • School aged children can - peel vegetables, grate vegetables, read recipes, follow simple recipes with little help, flip pikelets/fritters, research recipes online, design their own snacks and meals.

Kids of all ages love doing grown up jobs, it’s great for their confidence and you’re training them up to be Mummy’s little helper. Plus, you’re role modelling healthy eating behaviour, showing them that it’s best to cook from scratch at home. No takeaways, save those for treats only. We want to teach our kids the 80/20 rule too.

Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli