Stress bod

Fact: A little stress here and there is good.⁣⁠
But long-term, sustained stress?
Bodies don’t deal with that so well… which can make it hard for anyone to function. We even coined a term for this: Stress Bod.⁣⁠
Of course, everyone’s experience and stressors are unique. And there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.⁣⁠
So what can you do about it? Choose one small stress-relieving strategy that feels do-able for you. Practice it. Then, when you’re ready, willing and able, practice another.

Some ideas include - EXERCISE - moving the body is always a great stress reliever. Getting out for a walk in the fresh air. Having some time out - ME time. SLEEP is HUGE, don’t underestimate the power of a good nights sleep. Try and put that phone down and head to bed an hour earlier if you can. Maybe a nice herbal tea and a hot bath?

Prioritising your own health & wellness is incredibly important, as women and especially as mothers.

Relieve the stress ladies, where you can. It will do your body the world of good.

Sarah xx

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Sarah Martelli