Meal prep ideas to help you get organised

Here are some quick & easy meal prep ideas/hacks to help you get super organised for your week! Meal prepping will help you be prepared and organised for the upcoming week, so you don't get caught out making unhealthy food choices when you're hungry or out and about.

  • Buy a big bag of nuts next time you're at the supermarket - my pick would be roasted, unsalted almonds. Grab some snap lock snack size bags or little containers and split the nuts into small 'on the go' bags for throughout the week.

  • Fill up your water bottles the night before - add lemon if you wish - line them up in the fridge so they're nice and cold and you can see them. You're more likely to have a drink if they're visible to you every time you open the fridge.

  • Eggs - boil 6 or 8 eggs for the few days ahead. An easy on the go snack, much easier prepping a few at a time.

  • Next time you're at the supermarket, grab a cooked chicken. Get home and rip it up and put it in a container - that's your chicken salads sorted for the next few days.

  • Buy microwaveable brown rice packets. They're quick and easy and is a great 'grab and go' food for lunches at work, add to a salad with a can of tuna, great complex carbs to keep you full. 1 packet will do you two meals.

  • Cut up vegetable sticks for the few days ahead - carrot sticks, celery, capsicum, store in a container in the fridge so you can grab them each day and go.

  • Make a big batch of bliss balls or a healthy slice from the members site, chop it up into small pieces and keep in the freezer for when those sweet cravings hit - way better for you than a chocolate bar.

  • Roast a big tray of vegetables on a Sunday afternoon - that's your veges/salad sorted for the next few days at work. Split them up into containers and add some fresh greens each morning, yum!

Go and get organised ladies! Sarah xx

Sarah Martelli