Vitamin D

Let’s learn a bit about Vitamin D and why it’s important for our body:

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that we (mostly) get from the sun, but also from certain foods, and of course, from supplements.

Recent research suggests that nearly every cell of our body has receptors for vitamin D. Not surprisingly, it has wide-ranging effects in the body.

Vitamin D helps support your:

  • immune system

  • cell function

  • blood sugar regulation

  • bone health

  • calcium absorption and circulation

  • normal blood pressure

Most healthy adults should be able to maintain an adequate blood level of vitamin D (50–100 nmol/L or 20-40 ng/mL) by getting about 800-1000 IU daily of vitamin D, from both food and supplement sources.

Many people can meet their vitamin D requirements through sunshine alone. And as far as “natural sources of vitamin D” goes, sunlight is the top choice.

A good general guideline: Get about 10-20 minutes a day of midday sun, with face, arms, hands, and legs.

Vitamin D deficiency can cause weakening and softening of our bones, and none of us want that!

Other ways to get Vitamin D is from the food we eat, and here are examples of the foods that are richest in Vitamin D.


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Sarah Martelli