Protein - why we need to make sure we're eating enough

Hi ladies,

You’ve probably all heard me say at one point “Make sure you’re eating enough protein”. But why? I was asked the other day, “Why is it important to eat protein at every meal?” So I thought I would share my thoughts on this:

The three macronutrients — fats, carbs, and protein — affect your body in different ways.

Protein is the macronutrient that helps to keep us feeling full, which is why it is so important. Ladies on weight loss journeys, eating protein at each meal can often help in avoiding that extra snacking later in the day. Or if you’re not eating enough earlier in the day, and then have a huge dinner at night, or snacking on the couch after a big day because you’re starving. Look at your meals - are you including lean protein like eggs, chicken, fish, nuts & seeds at every meal?

Portion size is important - one portion of protein is about the size of the palm of your hand.

Protein is also the building block of your muscles. Therefore, eating adequate amounts of protein helps you maintain your muscle mass and promotes muscle growth when you do strength training. Eating protein within half an hour of a workout is a great idea, a smoothie or 2 boiled eggs are great snacks.

Along with other things like being good for bone strength, increasing your metabolism and lowering your heart rate, protein is the winning macronutrient in my eyes! But like everything, moderation is the key, so don’t go and eat 10 eggs at a time or a plate full of chicken haha! A varied diet of complex carbs, good fats and protein is the key.

I hope this helps, Sarah x

Sarah Martelli