Portion control - How much should I be eating?

Hi ladies,

We are all different. Different body types, genetics, sizes, energy levels, metabolisms, some of us require a lot of food to keep us full and others don’t require as much. How do you know how much to eat, and whether you’re over eating? The first thing I would say here, is LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. This is called intuitive eating. Your body is very good at telling you if you’re hungry or not. If you aren’t hungry, but you’re reaching for food, maybe you’re just bored, it’s a habit, it’s mindless snacking, you could be thirsty instead of hungry. Next time before you eat, I challenge you to stop and think, “Am I actually hungry?” (especially ladies on weight loss journeys).

This tool may help you. Personally, I would even UP the veges serving. I say to ladies in my nutrition coaching, 1/4 plate complex carbs, 1/4 plate lean protein, half of the plate vegetables (non starchy).

OR - You can use your hand as another why of measuring your portions. We all have different sized hands, some of us have very small hands, if we’re a small person then we probably need less food. Larger adults with bigger hands are probably bigger people, who may require more food. This is just a guide, but you get the idea.

Veges should be your biggest portion - 1 portion is a clenched fist. Then carbs, 1 cupped hand. Protein is the size of your palm. And a healthy fat eg oil/dressings, nut butters, avocados, things like that which are good for you but higher in fat, are a thumb sized serving.

I hope this helps you,


How to build a plate portion control.png
Sarah Martelli