Eating for self care

Here at Strong Woman we are not advocates for fad diets or crazy eating regimes. We are all about eating for self care, fuelling our bodies with foods that nourish us, makes us feel good and are sustainable long term.

Keep these things in mind as you create these new healthy habits:

  • Ensure you’re fuelling your self with lots of plant based foods. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables with every meal, get them into your snacks as well. Remember our saying ‘Eat the rainbow’.

  • It’s ok to have the odd treat while celebrating special occasions because you’re eating well throughout the week.

  • Eat when you’re hungry instead of when you’re bored, sad, stressed or emotional.

  • Plan your meals by making sure you have nutritious ingredients on hand, meal prepping or using a meal planner.

  • Don’t get worried about enjoying the occasional ice cream with the kids/friends because you have a balanced approach to your nutrition.

  • Un-follow uneducated people on social media who cause you to have low body confidence!

  • Listen to your body while you’re eating and think about how your meal makes you feel - does that food make you feel good afterwards, or do you feel yucky/bloated/heavy/blah - example after eating some takeaway foods. Encouragement to perhaps make a different choice next time!

Eating for self care is a life long habit, it doesn’t have a start and stop date like fad diets do. It’s a life long journey and your body will thank you for it!

Sarah xx

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Sarah Martelli