What is mindful eating?

What is mindful eating?

Mindful eating is a powerful tool used to gain control of your eating. It originates from mindfulness, a form of meditation and a Buddhist concept. So how does mindful eating actually work? With practise, mindful eating can be used as a tool to replace automatic thoughts and reactions (like emotional eating or eating just because the food is in front of you) with more conscious healthier decisions. Do you find, sometimes you’ve eaten a whole bag of chips before you’ve even realised it? Maybe because you were watching TV, or driving in the car, and you reach for the bag of food and put it into your mouth. Before you know it, it’s gone! We’ve all done it.

What do you need to do to get started?

  • Eat more slowly and don’t rush your meals

  • Chew thoroughly

  • Remove distractions, turn off the TV and put your phone away. If you are working from home, step away from your desk and eat your lunch at the kitchen table. This will allow you to really focus on your food, and not on your work/tv etc.

  • Limit what you are doing while eating, even talking, be present with your food

  • Focus on the feelings the food gives you

  • Stop eating when you are full

  • Have set meal times and a place to eat. Eg making a conscious effort to stop whatever you are doing at a certain time, and go and eat your meal. Making it a mindful decision to actually eat, you’re telling your brain “I’m eating now”. This will help with your hunger cues.

You want to try and focus on that mind body connection. Really think about what you’re eating, savour the flavours, give your brain cues that you’re actually eating. Instead of working, talking, watching TV etc. Ladies on a weight loss journey, you need to get good at this, you may find it really helps you to achieve your weightloss goals. You will get better the more practice you give yourself. Pick one of your meals each day to practice mindful eating. I hope this helps you, any questions around this just flick me a message. Sarah x

Sarah Martelli