Apricot honey nut granola


  • 4 C rolled oats

  • 1/2 C chopped almonds

  • 1/2 C chopped walnuts

  • 1/2 C chopped apricots

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1/2 C honey

  • 1/4 C coconut oil


Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees. In a baking dish tip the rolled oats, cinnamon and chopped nuts and stir to combine. In a separate jug melt the honey and coconut oil together. Stir through the rolled oat mixture until it’s all coated. Bake in the oven, setting the timer for 10 minute intervals to take it out and stir or it will burn. Bake for 40 minutes approx in total. Once it’s browned and cooked, mix in the chopped apricots. Allow to completely cool before storing in an air tight container. Serve for breakfast with your favourite yoghurt and fruit. YUM!

Sarah x