Chocolate Easter Nests


  • 1/2 C natural peanut butter

  • 1/4 C honey

  • 1/4 tsp salt

  • 1/4 C coconut oil

  • 2 Tbsp raw cacao powder (or normal cocoa powder would be fine)

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/4 C dessicated coconut

  • 1 C rolled oats

  • Mini chocolate speckled eggs


Line a tray with baking paper, set aside. In a saucepan combine peanut butter, honey, salt & coconut oil, heat until combined and just melted. Add vanilla, cocoa powder, stir. Take off the heat, add rolled oats, coconut and mix well. Take approx 1 Tbsp of mixture and roll tight into balls, then press down into the shape of nests. Pop in the freezer for 30 mins to set. Add mini speckled eggs to your nests. Enjoy. (Store in the freezer if there are any left!)

Sarah x