Festive canapes


  • 2 punnets of strawberries, leaves removed

  • 1 basil plant or the same amount of leaves as there are strawberries

  • 200g goats cheese or feta, cut into cubes

  • 1-2 tbsp balsamic glaze

  • Toothpicks


Slice the top of the strawberry as you remove the leaves, this will leave a flat base so the strawberries sit nicely on a platter.

Wrap a basil leaf around the base of a strawberry, insert the toothpick right through both. Keep pushing the toothpick until it comes out the other end and there is room to gently pierce the cheese. Continue until all of the strawberries are used.

Gently squeeze a little bit of balsamic glaze on top of each strawberry and serve immediately or refrigerate until you need them.

Balsamic glaze can be found in the sauce section of the supermarket for around $4. You will only need a tiny bit but it has a long expiry date. Makes approx 15.


Yum! Sarah X