Lemon and blueberry tart


Base ingredients

  • 1C almond meal

  • 1C desiccated coconut

  • 12-14 dried dates

  • 1 tsp vanilla essence

  • A pinch of salt

Lemon filling ingredients

  • 6 egg yolks

  • 2 Tbsp honey

  • Zest and juice of 2 large lemons

  • 4 Tbsp of coconut oil

  • 1 punnet of fresh blueberries


Before anything else, cover the dates with boiling water and set aside.

Add all of the other base ingredients to a food processor. Drain and add the dates. Pulse continuously until the mixture begins to come together or it stays together when you pinch some between your fingers. The dates bind the dry ingredients, so start with 12 and add more if needed. Press the base mixture into a slightly greased medium sized tart pan and refrigerate.

To make the lemon filling add all of the ingredients except the coconut oil and blueberries to a sauce pan. Whisk together. Turn the element on to a low-medium heat and while whisking add the coconut oil, one table spoon at a time. Continue whisking for 5mins. The mixture will thicken and heat up, do not let it boil! Once thick take it off the heat, continue whisking until slightly cooled. Pour it into another container to cool down further.

Once cooled spoon the lemon filling on to the base, top with blueberries and refrigerate for at least 30mins.

Slice, serve and enjoy!! Serves 8.

Yum! Sarah X