Moroccan roast carrot salad


  • 8 large carrots

  • 3 tsp Moroccan spice mix

  • 2 Tbsp olive oil

  • Salt and pepper

  • 1/2 C sliced almonds

  • 1/2 C currants

  • 1/2 block of feta (cow’s or goats), crumbled

  • Large handful finely chopped fresh parsley

  • Juice of 1 lemon


Cut carrots into fat sticks approx 1cm x 4cm wide. Line a roasting dish with baking paper, place carrots into the dish, splash over the oil, Moroccan spice mix and salt & pepper. Rub all over with your hands to cover the carrots. Roast on 200g for approx 45 mins (or until carrots are caramelised and roasted). On a separate baking tray spread over sliced almonds, toast in oven for 5 mins, watch them or they will burn! Allow carrots to cool until warm, then in a bowl mix together carrots, toasted almonds, currants, feta and parsley. Drizzle with a wee bit more olive oil and lemon juice, mix together and serve. Serves 6 as a side.

Yum! Sarah X