Nourish bowl


  • 1 C cooked brown rice (I used about half of an Uncle Ben’s brown rice microwaveable pouch in this bowl)

  • Big handful of spinach

  • Canned beetroot slices

  • 1/4 C sweetcorn kernels

  • A few pieces of feta cheese, cubed

  • 1/2 small orange kumara

  • Dash of olive oil

  • Salt and pepper



Chop up the kumara, put it into the oven at 180 degrees and roast with a dash of olive oil. Cook until tender, approx 40 mins. Heat the brown rice pouch and tip half of it into a bowl. Add all of the ingredients to the bowl. You could add any other salad veges or different roast veges you have leftover from dinner the night before. Nourish bowls are great for lunch, the possibilities are endless!

Yum! Sarah X