About our Strong Runner Workouts

A mixture of mobility & stability exercises, power exercises, speed sessions and stretch sessions.

Our Strong Runner workouts are designed to increase mobility, stability, strength and power in our running specific muscles - lower body and core area. The workouts are made up of 3 parts, and we have a level system so we can cater to all running abilities.

  • Part 1 - Warm up and mobility - designed to get blood pumping to the muscles to ready them for the work ahead as well loosening up our joints to increase mobility.

  • Part 2 - Stability, strength and power - designed to load up our glutes, hamstrings, calves, hip flexors and abdominals to increase their strength and stability. This section is also designed to improve the amount of power these muscles can exert, teaching our muscles to contract quickly for short periods of time giving them increased power.

  • Part 3 - Speed/cadence - this last section of work is designed to improve our overall pace when running. These drills work our muscles differently to normal running. They involve a variety of running drills completed at different paces, from an easy 50% ranging through to 100% of your normal running pace. You can expect short bursts of work mixed up with rest or active rest. This part of the workout is normally the most challenging. We have used a level system to help you tailor the workout to your level of running ability and previous experience.

    • Level 1 - People who are new to speed/cadence drills, however are not necessarily new to running. For example you may be up to running 5-10km distances. However, have not done any speed drills as part of your training before so therefore you should start at level 1. You will do slightly less reps which will allow your muscles to get used to this type of training gradually.

    • Level 2 - These are people who have had recent experience doing speed/cadence training as part of their run training. For example, fartlek runs (fast running mixed with slow running) hill sprints, stair runs or some sprinting intervals. Level 2 ladies will be doing more reps to ensure their muscles and energy systems are challenged.

We hope you enjoy these Strong Runner sessions as part of your exercise programme. As always please let us know what you think of each workout, we love hearing your feedback! Remember to mix things up and give your body a variety of exercise as well as rest. Get stuck into our website, as well as the Strong Runner Workouts we offer pilates, low impact, high impact, strength, 5 minute abs, postpartum & beginner workouts and stretch sessions, enjoy!

Strong RunnerSarah Martelli